Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Worst Cover Letter Ever

Dear Ms. [Shark Bubbles],

Congratulations! You've just found your very own copy enthusiast. And why, you might ask, is kudos in order? Allow me to divulge.

For four years, my brain was subjected to an intensive, thought reforming program through which I obtained the necessary skills and qualifications to make me a successful and outstanding human, in particular, a copywriter. This program, known to some as college, armed me with scholastic and creative bullets so powerful they could put a hole through the Earth, or at least provoke thought.

Armed with these bullets I stood at the front line of global agencies such as [Agency #1] and [Agency #2, where Shark Bubbles currently works], performing laborious tasks for free, all in the name of experience. Deep in the trenches it was clear to me, this line of work was something I'd willingly put blood, sweat and tears into.

Now I am ready for battle. I am unarmed but equipped with ammo. My ammunition: letters. Letters strung together to form words, words carefully selected to form sentences, sentences that, if crafted well enough, can influence something as powerful as the human mind.

I believe in the power of words. I thrive on this power, and it excites me that I am capable of writing copy that can make someone laugh, cry, feel pain, and even give a person goosebumps.

Let me be your weapon.

[Unfortunate Junior Copywriter]

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